Silencing my 3D printer and Installing BL-Touch

Recently I found out that I can upgrade my 3D printer (an Ender-3) so that I won’t have to hear that annoying beeping during printing. This is especially a problem for me because I have the printer right outside my bedroom door, and it can get really annoying and loud during the day and night. I had to stop printing overnight.

But I found out about a new motherboard replacement which apparently almost wholly silences the printer. For only $50, I thought anything would make it better. At the same time, I also purchased a BLtouch for $43, which is basically a probe that tests how far away from the bed the nozzle is, so I don’t need to level the bed every time before a print.

For installing the new mainboard (or motherboard), I had to remove a case covering, and it was mostly easy except for my board had the cords hot-glued into the slots, it was tedious and slow. It took me about two hours to completely install everything. I had forgotten to take a picture before unplugging the power supply cables, which I just looked up on Reddit pretty quickly. If you run into the same problem as I here’s an image for wiring the power cables:

For installing BL-Touch unplug and remove the z-stop cable and plug in the bl touch as shown in this image:

Dont forget to remove the physical switch on the board as in this image:

Adjust the Z-Offset on Ender 3, Ender 3 V2 and Ender 3 Pro - Howchoo

And for adjusting bl touch to work, this video was super handy for information:

Once the installation was done. I would definitely recommend this upgrade its extremely quiet, and the only thing you will hear when printing is the fans running! If you don’t mind the hassle, I would recommend buying this one from Amazon: (amazon link)


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