So it turns out there will be another power out today at six. We don’t have a wifi dock or a generator this time because my Brother Jonathan just left to san Diego for work and needed the wifi dock back and the generator, so this time we won’t have any internet or power.
Three Different Types of Roman Roads – History of Inventions – Lesson 24
There were three different types of Roman roads: Private roads which were for Romans who could afford their own private roads. Public (high) roads which were paid for by the government to transport armies or government from one place to the other Branch Roads were roads that branched off of the private roads, and the…
My Short Story: “The S&A Detective Agency”
<<<<The S & A Detective Agency>>>> One morning as I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, I noticed something white lying on my desk. I stood up to get a better look at it. As soon as I got up,…
Sad Onion Comics with Screen Recording using OBS Studio
About a week ago I and some of our friends started to write comics, about an onion, which is called “Sad Onion” because he is always sad. The reason he is unhappy is that when he was younger, he saw other onions get chopped up and put into soup, food, etc. A couple of days…
Why Roman Roads Last So Long – History of Inventions – Lesson 24
Roman Roads have outlasted modern type roads because the Romans made their roads from harder materials than the modern car roads. They were built with slabs of stone instead of crushed stones, sand, and slag
Power Out in Northern California
Well, starting yesterday the power went out. It will probably be out till this afternoon. But the good news is that we got a generator and a wifi mobile hotspot from my brother Jonathan, so that is how I can write this blog post. We are using the generator for our fridge and sometimes for…
Before Roman Roads – History of Inventions – Lesson 24
Before Roman roads, the Romans used dirt paths. The way a dirt path would be formed is when someone or some animal walks in the same place over and over, that place will become a path, it will become just hard dirt and rocks, and will overtime knock off loose dirt or rocks. Even small…
Eating Dinner on a Mountain!
Yesterday our whole family, except for Nicholas and my Dad, drove up to a mountain near Shasta lake, I don’t know the name of the mountain but, I do know it is somewhere near Shasta Lake because we saw Shasta lake from the top of the mountain. We followed the map coordinates Jonathan sent to…
Ts’ai Lun Paper Maker – History of inventions – Lesson 23
Ts’ai Lun was born around 50 AD in China. He is the first paper maker that established paper in China. The story of Ts’ai Lun is that he started work for the imperial Chinese Government, at a very young age, and he was put in charge of inventing new types of weapons. Ts’ai Lun was…
Parchment Compared to Papyrus – History of Inventions – Lesson 23
Parchment was made out of animal skin. The way the Egyptians would have made it is by shaving off the fur of the animal skin, then they would stretch the skin in the sun under tension. The upside of the parchment is that it preserves longer than the papyrus paper and it would not be…