Learning Fusion 360 for 3D Printing

I recently started learning fusion 360 to help create designs for smaller, more precise parts I might need. I currently use programs like 3D builder cura and tinkercad for most 3D modeling. And while I enjoy the simplicity of 3D Builder. It doesn’t have many features that other programs include; for example, I was using fusion 360. I’ve found that the “create sketch” is one of the most valuable tools I’ve ever used when creating a new design from scratch. If I wanted to create a similar shape in 3D Builder, I would have to spend a while adding together various simple figures such as cubes, spheres, etc.

And another reason why I don’t prefer using 3D Builder for designing parts is measuring. Measuring in the 3D Builder is a lot more hassle because getting every side’s length for smaller, more specific pieces is tricky.

Currently, I am using the hobbyist version of fusion which is free as long as you don’t use it for commercial purposes. Which you can get here.


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