Yesterday I 3D printed a prop from Krunker. Krunker is an online video game 1st person shooter. The item I was printing is called a Frostbite. It looks similar to an ax. Krunker has Mod files so that others can modify the game like sounds, models, colors, etc. It also has 3D models called OBJ files for the weapons and accessories, but the problem was is that all of the OBJ files were named “Melee_0,” “Melee_1,” etc. It didn’t have notes or anything that suggested what was what. So I DM’d my friend who makes a lot of 3D models and worked with Krunker on them, and I asked him if I could get the “Frostbite” 3D model, and he responded with the correct file, which made it a lot easier for me (Link to his Youtube Channel.)
Now all I had to do is upload it to the slicer. So that’s what I did. When using Krunker models in 3d prints, I noticed that they are tiny when imported straight to the slicer, so I scaled it up using the built-in tool that Cura (my slicer) comes with. So I sliced it, and surprisingly, the estimated time that it was gonna take was about 3 hours and 40 minutes. But after about an hour in, the print came completely off of the board. So I stopped the print, cleaned off the board, and sprayed some hairspray on it. Then I started the print again. It looked to be doing well. Still, after the first 2 hours, it warped on the handle, Unfourtanitly this has been happening a lot recently to most of my 3D prints, so I will probably have to adjust the nozzle temperature or the bed temperature lower or higher, I am not yet certain which. I will probably do a blog post on that in the future.
Once the print was finished, I had removed it from the board and checked it. It went pretty well except for the warping on the handle. Soon I will paint it with acrylic paints and give it some modge-podge to finish it off, which I will post a picture on Instagram once it is finished. If you want to see the finished product follow me using this link: Instagram
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