A couple of days ago SpaceX and Nasa sent a space rocket called Dragon to the ISS (International Space Station). It was the first commercial rocket that was sent to the ISS, and it had been nine years since an American rocket was launched from America and it was flown with American pilots. The crew was Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley. It was exciting watching the live rocket launch countdown video on Saturday, it had originally been planned to launch on Wednesday but the weather wasn’t looking good so they canceled that launch and postponed it to Saturday. What was really cool is the number of viewers watching the live stream, as Wikipedia said: “The live stream was watched online by 3 million people on NASA feeds,[13] and the SpaceX feed peaked at 4.1 million viewers. NASA estimated roughly 10 million people watched on various online platforms, approximately 150,000 people gathered on Florida’s space coast[14] in addition to an unknown number watching on television.paste wiki page amount of viewers“. More about the launch Here.
By NASA – https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-to-provide-coverage-of-spacex-commercial-crew-test-flight-with-astronauts, Public Domain, Link
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