Category: Uncategorized

  • How to Setup a Minecraft Server (The easy way)

    I recently made a Minecraft server, but the way I did it required a lot of knowledge and a lot of tutorial following to complete. So instead of trying to explain to my friends how to make a Minecraft server the way I did. But I found out about an in-game command called /publish. With the /publish command, you can host the server on any port of your choosing by doing, for example: /publish 25565.

    And so I have made a quick and easy tutorial on how to set up a Minecraft server the easy way:

    STEP 1:  Open Minecraft and select “Singleplayer”

    STEP 2:  Create a new world and make sure to enable cheats. You can change the other world settings to how you like.

    STEP 3:  Once the world has loaded, type this into chat: /publish 25565; it should return. “Multiplayer game is now hosted on port 25565.” 

    STEP 4:  Next, open your browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Etc.) and type: into the search bar (note: if it does not load, try instead of; also make sure you are connected to Wi-Fi.) Next, when prompted to log in, use admin for the username and the password.

    STEP 5:  Once logged into the interface, select the Advanced tab (this varies from router to router, but if you have a Netgear router, this will be in the same place.) Then select the Advanced Setup tab and press the Port Forwarding and Port Triggering tab. After that, press the Add custom service button. Then change the external and internal port to 25565. Once completed, scroll down and see the list of devices. If you see the name of your device, select it. If not, follow this tutorial and type the IP into the internal IP address section (typically, you would want to find the ending numbers of your IP address, e.g., Once done, click the apply button and wait till it loads back to the previous page.

    STEP 6:  To let your friends be able to connect, type What’s my IP? Into your search bar will return your IP (Note: This is different from the device IP you need to port forward from earlier). Then if your friends want to join, all they need to do is put your IP into the Direct Connect button in the Minecraft Multiplayer tab.

    Now you’re set! However, some other things to note: do not share your IP to your server with people you do not trust or publicly post it. The reason is that if someone had a machine capable, they could DDoS your router and would result in having to change a lot of things to fix, and basically rendering your internet useless or super slow. Don’t know what DDoS is? Read this article for more info.

    A downside to hosting a server like this is that the server closes as soon as you close the world. If you want to reopen the server again, just type /publish 25565 , and your set! Good luck on your server.

  • Making a Live Stream Overlay

    About a week ago was my friend Isaiah’s birthday, and I wanted to make something for him. We had both wanted to get into live streaming games on a platform called Twitch. And a lot of people who live stream games use overlays. Overlays are basically an image or text that will go over your game. For example: 

    He has a follower count, a camera overlay, and a subscriber count. All of those are overlays that he added to his stream. When he plays the game, he doesn’t see all of the overlays, but only the viewers do. Overlays can be added using streaming software like OBS Studio (Open Broadcasting Software). Overlays can also be useful for reading chat or donations sent to the streamer.
    And since my friend wanted to start live streaming games, he had asked me if I could design an overlay for him that would feature a chatbox, alerts (such as donations and subscribers,) a follow goal, and a subscriber goal. He laid out the design on a piece of paper where he wanted everything. Here is a picture sketch he provided me with:
    The important thing is to get the right size. In Canva, I used the presentation size because that would fill the entire screen. I also needed to export as png as Canva has a transparent background option when you export it. And here is the final result:
     (one thing to note the text is mainly not on because he has to configure that on his own computer)
  • Old HP ENVY Laptop Refurbish

    Since my Mom got a new computer, I had wanted to fix it up and use it for schoolwork. The first thing I did was uninstall adobe, Camtasia, and other unnecessary programs. Once that was finished, I backed up the computer’s Documents Downloads, Pictures, and Videos folders, to a two terabyte drive that I had on my desk. I used the Seagate dashboard as that was the brand of the backup drive. 

    Once I had finished all of the backing up, I had reset the computer except for the files because this was my Mom’s business computer. I found that the antivirus that was installed used up a ton of disk space and that Adobe programs also took up a lot of disk space. But when it reset, it also removes those programs. Now the computer runs at normal speeds when running small programs like Brave. I think it will last about another two years before it barely runs, and drivers will be outdated. 

  • Steam Link APK for Amazon Fire TV Stick

    Steam Link App APK

    Recently I found out about an app for streaming your games to your local devices on the network called Steam Link. Although one problem, I couldnt find out how to use it for my TV.

    But I just started looking up tutorials online and found this amazing tutorial by ETA Prime:

    In this tutorial, he showed how to use a controller with the TV, but in my case. I had a xbox 360 wireless controller that was already wirelessly connected to a cheap Xbox 360 controller adapter I bought off of Amazon, and this Xbox 360 controller does not work with Bluetooth. So I just plugged the adapter into the fire tv stick using another adapter I bought that gives you a usb port to plug into with the Fire TV stick, (link to buy here) And it worked.

    I followed the steps and installed the Downloader app, then installed the steam link APK using Downloader app on the amazon app store. Once Steam Link was installed, I launched the Steam Link, and to my surprise, it detected the controller, and I could navigate the GUI using the controller. When you use the app, it scans your network for computers that have steam installed on it.

    Once Steam detected my computer, then I could start steam play. What it did is open Steam on my computer and stream the main screen to the TV. I have not had any lag issues with it so far. Still, sometimes the controller configuration needs to be tweaked a bit for the best performance, which I use community-made controller layouts for some games instead of the default layouts.
