Author: ezradharris

  • Duolingo

    Sometime this spring, I, Simeon, and my Dad are going to take a trip to France to visit my Grandpa and Grandma who live in Lamanon France. We will probably fly first to Paris and then from Paris, we will go to Lamanon. Nicholas, Noelle, Gideon, and a friend of Noelle’s all flew to France last February, and now it was our turn to fly to France. So Simeon and I are starting to learn French on an app called Duolingo. Duolingo is an app for teaching different languages. I like the app a lot because I can learn new French words so quickly. the app has me first learn the word it then tells me to translate it into English and it makes me say the word in French. it has me type it out into a full sentence! I have already learned a couple of words. Like “au revoir” means “Goodbye”, and “chat” means “cat” .it has a point system where you can compete against other people on duolingo if you use duolingo you can level up higher but if you don’t use duolingo often then you will start moving down on the leaderboard.

  • New Omega Theme

    Posthaven is a blog hosting service that our family uses for our various blogs, and it only costs 5$ per month our family has a total of 8 blogs. Yesterday the support team for posthaven asked their customer base if we could try out their new theme called Omega that they are still working on. A theme is a format for the way your blog will look, and it won’t change the content. So I responded to them asking if I could try it out on my Ezra Codes blog. About 1 hour or so later they responded back saying that they put the theme on the Ezra Codes blog. I went to check it out, I actually think it looks good! So when they officially release it I might use it for this blog. I love the theme because when you click on a post, it tells you the details of the post like the date and how many people have viewed it, and you can see the bio at the bottom, and you can add links to social media links in the bio. If you want to you can check it out Here

  • Castle Pop-up Book

    About a week ago, we bought a castle pop-up book from Goodwill. It has a page explaining a short story about the castle and the different places in the castle. When you flip to the next page, the castle pops out, and you can see all of the different areas in a castle. Here are some pictures of the castle fully folded out:

    In the pop-up book, there is a page with all of the different castle words and definitions of them, like:

    • Armory – a place where weapons and ammunition are stored.
    • Ballista – a weapon for hurtling missiles.
    • Battering ram – a long heavy beam with an iron head, used to break into a fortification.  

    There are lots of other interesting words, that I have never heard before! The first time I saw the castle I didn’t see that I can do lots of cool things like open and close the gate to the castle and move the draw bridge up and down. I also saw several enemy soldiers trying to get under the walls of the castle that I didn’t see at first. The book is very intriguing because I can see soldiers walking around the inside of the castle when I look through the gate, and you can see people doing their chores and work around the castle, and it looks pretty realistic!

  • Why I Had to Make Fixes on my Blog

    The reason I changed my blog was that I noticed that the image for the background was gone, so I went under the coding side of my blog and found out the older image was deleted from the website that it was on. So I went and found another image, this time it was a winter looking image. It took a while for me to finish uploading the image, and change the color of the text and other things. But I finished it, and I think it looks pretty good!